Sunday 15 June 2014

Shri Narendra Modi and The Renaissance of India

I hope, every Indian is feeling the same warmth and, as me. 
A Sardar Patel, A true Indian, has finally taken over.. the reigns.
Om NaMo Shivaya 
In my view 
With her reigns in the hands of Modi Bhai, India gets her independence today… 
Way back, it was Aug ’47, when The Britishers relented to vacate India in the face of an unrelenting Mahatma Gandhi; but I understand that they agreed to leave India only as A British ‘Dominion’ and that too with the pre-condition that the reigns of the Dominion will be in the hands of their confidante, Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru, and not Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel who enjoyed a clear undisputed mandate in his favour. Nehru ji was a prototype Macaulay protege, hence the British rulers had found him reliable enough to ensure that the country remains a Dominion even after they officially allow her the status of a Republic later. Don’t we see that The Macaulay spell continues even after more than six decades of the so called independence, under the able control of Nehru family (most surprisingly known by one and all of us to be The Gandhi family). 
26 May 2014, Shri Narendra Modi  takes over the reigns of the country as the Prime Minister of India, with an unprecedented mandate.. It is the first time that the populace of India have unanimously brought a truly Indian leader to the seat of power from where he can steer the country out of her English domination, to the pedestal she truly deserves..
In my view, it has to be a Vivekananda, a Mahatma Gandhi, a Sardar Patel; it has to be a True Indian steeped in Indian culture, an Indian who takes real pride in being an Indian; who can bring India back her lost glory.. India’s strength lies in its originality, its own culture.. It has to be an Indian after-all who leads Indians back to what truly is India.. 
Isn’t it unfortunate that we the ancient most, highly evolved Vedic race, the ‘Aarya' Shreshtha, believe ourselves to be the so called ‘Aryans'- the middle eastern invaders, the likes of the Turks, the Moghuls and the Britishers.. This is nothing but the deep rooted Macaulay effect.
There was an urgent need for a truly evolved leader whose heart was burning with the singular desire to get India back the glory due to her, and yes the populace of India has almost unanimously reposed faith in Shri Narendra Modi as the one such one. He, in my view, has come to wipe off the chronic illness caused by the The Macaulay Effect, from the very hearts of Indians.. and show them the way to their own inner strength.. their character, their own culture..
The climate of a country or an organisation, after-all depends largely on its leader, his personal character, his dynamism. When the leader means business everything else falls into shape automatically… 
Of-course I can not deny the progress the country has made during the British rule as well as in the post independence decades gone by.. but this, in my view has been at an unacceptable price. It is our self pride, which is the price we have paid in our continuing fervour in aping English.. can one deny that the very need to ape someone denotes hollowness and personal emptiness. After-all China is China because it is China, so is it true about Japan. It is only here in India that we see the very roots of Indians, infested with Macaulay virus thus, that every Indian yearns to be nothing but English; every Indian seem to enjoy an uncanny pride in talking English, walking English, being English.. Given a choice we would want to see India turn into England.. Of-course I have nothing against English, but the very concept of mutual respect is a mere farce if I don’t respect myself, if I lack self pride..
In my view, the self pride of an individual and thus of-course a Nation is based essentially on three facets; first and foremost, it is the pride in ones own culture, and then it is the economic independence and last but not the least it is the pride in ones military power; the three of them are not only closely inter-woven but they are interdependent. Can we deny that all the three of these are at there lowest ebb at the end of these six decades of Nehruvian leadership. 
I think, Shri Narendra Modi has won the hearts of the Indian populace not just by his charismatic persona alone but by visible proofs of his ability to restore and foster the lost self pride of the citizens of the state he ruled for the last one decade. He is grounded in Indian culture and hence is verily an exemplar of Indian-ness, he has created ample job opportunities for the Gujaratis thereby giving them economic independence and lastly the law and order situation in Gujarat too is no less enviable than its infrastructure… 
Now, the only thing that the opponents of Shri Modi hold against him is that he is partisan and that he is going to prove himself to be a religious fanatic and thus a disaster for the country which owes its strength essentially to its secular governance. I would feign want to share my personal views on the subject as nebulous as secularism but before I go on to do that, I beg to state that right from joining a primary school to taking up a job, seeking a licence or for that matter a permission to do just about anything in this country, I must first declare my religion so as to have my eligibility for the same assessed, which is essentially based on varying privileges reserved for different religious denominations- now is this the kind of secularism which we Indians are proud of ?? In fact I would like to ask myself, “Can we call this state of affairs, secularism by any stretch of our imagination ??” However, rather interestingly, we all seem to prefer the mystic spell cast by the able governance hitherto, that this alone is secularism and this verily is our very strength. 
Let us see what in our view is non secular or partisan? The PM visiting a temple or doing Ganga Arti becomes non secular!!. Here I think we seem to be confusing atheism or agnosticism with secularism.. I would beg to differ. I would rather define secularism as an ideology which promotes mutual respect, equality and harmonious living for all religious denominations and I don’t think a man who is an atheist, that is to say the one practices no religion and who has no respect for his own religion, can be expected to respect all religions. Similarly how can an agnostic, that is to say the one who prefers to stay away from anything and everything religious, be expected to have respect for all religions.
I submit here, that it is an evolved human being only, who can show us what true secularism is and I personally have no doubts that Shri Narendra Modi is one such evolved one specially endowed with the charisma necessary for a dynamic leader.
Respected friends, I have no doubts that by adherence to our own ancient culture and by demonstrating a sterling personal character, under the leadership of this truly Indian Leader who not only exudes confidence and character in his very persona but has truly demonstrated all of it in his Gujarat leadership..we certainly can redeem our true glory back again,  and .. and 
do ourselves proud.
Satyam Eva Jaya Te 
Good days are here again, indeed.

Dr (Prof) R Talwar
A proud Indian

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