Sunday 15 June 2014

The Five levels of Consciousness

There are essentially five levels of consciousness which man can live in.

  1. The first or the lowest of these is the tamasik state of mind where the thinking is limited chiefly to grabbing sensual gratification and bodily comforts;
  2. The second is the rajasik or the ego based thinking which spends itself in scheming plottin planning about attaining power and pelf so that finally the lower needs can be fulfilled unencumbered;
  3. Then there is this saatwik state of mind which is a surrendered worshipful state where one keeps oneself busy in the pleasure one gets in prayers and in lookin after and serving the society and world at large; in this state of mind one is an embodiment of a characterful being who has transcended the need for carnal pleasures and street smart shortcuts to material success;
  4. Still further deeper or higher is the gunaateeta aatmik cosciousness which has been referred to as Chetna by the philosophers and is in-fact beyond the body mind intellect consciousness hence been referred to as the other worldly consciousness; and
  5. The final state is the Eternal Chaitanya Consciousness.
Untill man raises his consciousness to the highest state he continues to suffer the discontent, inherent in the day to day living.
Life is thus nothing but a journey from the ever struggling ever suffering taamasik state of mind to the state of ever present bliss consciousness.

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