Brahma-Sutras: The Chatuha Sutri
The following four opening verses of the Brahma Sutras
Convey the gist of the entire Vedanta
Hence lauded as
The Chatuha-Sutri
Athato Brahma Jijnaasa
Now and therefore (i.e. since the need has been felt and of-course since human life can not be lived or find its fulfilment without it, there is nothing more necessary than this)
let us (the shaastras) discuss (quench your thirst) The Knowledge of Brahman.. (The one and Only God or Allaha)
Janmaadi Asya Yataha
The birth etc (creation preservation and dissolution)
everything comes about from Whom (Him) alone (and exists in Him and merges back into Him alone) and
Shaastra Yonitwaat
The shaastras (scriptures of all the lands and religions) are born out of He Himself
(by His Will, because of His mercy and as His grace; for the sake of the entire mankind) and
He can be understood only and only through the agency of The Shaastras... so do have faith in the shaastras, revere them, don't approach them with a view to disprove their authenticity or a vain attempt to prove your mastery over them.
(Brahman is simply unknowable and unreachable
even if the entire humanity with all the human faculties put together
tries to know Him, from the beginning to the end of time
it is only through reverence and faith in the scriptures that one can just about approach the hem of His robe, even for that one requires an immense grace of His Own)
it is only through reverence and faith in the scriptures that one can just about approach the hem of His robe, even for that one requires an immense grace of His Own)
Tatt Tu Samanvayaat
He is the One and Only,
harmonising glue of love between
all that is (everything, everyone, every religion etc etc etc.)
He is to be understood as harmony or Yoga itself.. (for want of a better parallel lets say the gravitational force)
(He alone is keeping all this existence held together, from microcosm to the macrocosm,
from the beginning to the end of time
and when understood and adored
(indeed with the help of the Shaaastras coupled with His explicit grace),
He alone brings about peace and harmony)
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