Sunday 15 June 2014


Sree Harim Paramaanandam Upadeshtaaram Eeshwaram
Vyaapakam Sarvaloka Kaaranam Tam Namaamyaham

my very own (Sree) Hari, you are the paramananda, you are my personal beloved god (eeshwaram), lord n master and saviour indeed, 
by holding my hand most gracefully (upadeshtaaram) You deign to take me along to the innermost precincts..and prepare Me to be worthy of Yourself

You alone are manifest all over and You alone are the substratum, source and cause of all that is, 
i bow before you  permanently, for ever ever and ever..

Sarva Vedaanta Sidhaanta Gocharam, Tam Agocharam
Govindam Paramaanandam Sadgurum, Pranato Asmi Aham

Oh my unknowable One and only One, By Your very Grace You have deigned to become knowable 
through the principles and end result of all seeking and knowledge, 
which is nothing but surrender or love, a love-fully silent eternal existence

Oh caretaker husband, my one and only one, you are the wish fulfilling Paramaanadam, you are the guru of gurus, the ultimate

i am at your lotus feet, give me my permanent shelter here.. back again.

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